Here's how it works.
Before you head to the store, check Ibotta to see which brands are offering coupon discounts. Click on the coupons, you think you might use.
After you shop, take a photo of your receipt with the Ibotta app. Ibotta will cross check the items on your coupon list with the ones you marked off. If any of them match, Ibotta will drop the money into your account.
Watch for bonus coupons too. I was able to collect an additional $3 for mobile shopping.
The second way to use this app is like a shopping portal. I found their percentages to be low compared to other ones on the market. But the app offers a welcome bonus of $10 so that makes at least the first purchase worth it.
The only catch is that you need $20 in your Ibotta account before you can cash out.
I tested Ibotta by buying my cat food from through the shopping portal. I received $10 for my first purchase plus 5% cash back on my $60 cat food purchase so that's another $3. I got a $3 mobile shopping bonus.
Then I scanned my Sprouts receipt and picked up another $.50 for bananas and mango. Plus a $2 bonus for in-store shopping.
So my total right now is $17.50. Of course, I need $20 to cash out so I'll have to use the app a few more times at least.
If you are coupon cutter, this app may be right up your alley. If you use my link, you will get the $10 welcome bonus.