Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Thank You Southwest For A Surprise LUV Voucher


Flew home from the East Coast a few weeks ago on Southwest Airlines. All was going well. The first flight took off on time, but the connecting flight was a different story. We arrived in Denver to change planes and found that our flight was delayed about three hours and now scheduled to leave after midnight. 

The gate crew said it was a weather delay due to unstable weather in Florida where our plane was coming from.  We had checked to see if there was another flight leaving Denver earlier that we could request to hop on, but no luck. So we waited. 
The good news was that there was a Capital One Lounge in Denver and a restaurant included in the Priority Pass. The Priority Pass is a benefit included in the Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card. You can read about this amazing perk here. 
Our flight eventually took off and we arrived home late, but safe. 
My experience with weather delays is that you are usually out of luck for compensation.
So imagine my surprise when I received this email a few days later.

Woohoo! Two $100 vouchers for the delay. Nice! But why? This google search may provide a bit of an answer. 

Why did Southwest give me a voucher?
Flyers can receive a Southwest LUV Voucher if their flight is canceled or delayed within seven days of departure, they arrive three or more hours later than planned, and the delay or cancellation was caused by something Southwest could control, such as maintenance or staffing.

In my case, the gate crew told us it was a weather related issue. However, reading further there is another issue if your delay is pushed past midnight and/or three hours. Both of which were true in our case so that may actually be the reason we were awarded the vouchers. 

As promised, a few days later this email showed up with a voucher number. The voucher had also been added to my Southwest account, 

The voucher is a travel credit that has to be applied to a cash ticket. However, now that you can pay cash and points for a flight, you can actually use multiple forms of payment for the same ticket. So in theory, you could use the voucher and then use points to buy a flight. Once you cash in the voucher, it is non transferrable. But the first time you use it, you can actually use it to buy a ticket for anyone. 

Thank you Southwest! Nice to be compensated without having to ask. 

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